{ Dreamwidth || RPNow.Net Tutorial || F-List }
I play on, Dreamwidth, Google docs, and through email! I will not use anything else at this time.
I know these may sound intimidating, but please read them! I have been RPing for 15+ years and found they are things that need to be said ;w;
- No IC approach, unless it's on an open or meme.
- Mun =/= Muse, yadda yadda.
- Do not try to RP with me if you're under 18. I will block you (and report you to any applicable staff). Kids need to stay OUT of adult spaces.
- Triggering content must be tagged and warned for, always. This is only really applicable on Dreamwidth. Heavy fetish content will be locked to access-only.
- If something about my content makes you uncomfortable, block or blacklist me. No excuses. Curate your own online space.
- Ship/kink/character hate will get you dropped, no exceptions. Be nice to people.
- I only play in third person, past tense.
- Paragraph/multiparagraph only. No script format or single-sentence RP. Waived for crack/shitpost stuff, and other OOC shenanigans.
- Please plot with me! I'd like it if we had a plan, so we're not flying blind.
- No godmodding/autohitting/etc. Any "my character is always better/more powerful/the best" kind of stuff will be ignored, unless we've previously discussed it.
- I play OC/canon. I am happy to do a canon for your OC, but I'd like it to be reciprocated once in a while.
- Strictly "SFW" or "family friendly" stuff bores me to tears. We can still play without hardcore fetishes or even smut, but dark or complex themes is a must. Example: Pokemon RP where m/c and y/c go into an underground Pokemon fighting ring to break up the brutal, horrible battles going on there. Actually, thing Gen5 plots and back as far as Pokemon goes, lol.
- Maybe a dealbreaker for some folk: I don't play F/F. I'm only interested in M/M and M/F (but like, queer M/F). Futa/F doesn't really interest me, either, but I could be sold on Futa/M.
- I am chronically ill and have a life outside the web. Understand that real life comes first, always.
- I have a lot of muses. Some end up more active than others, and they fluctuate. Please respect that if I'm struggling with a muse and need to stop RPing that thread for a while, it is not indicitive of YOU. If you try to guilt trip me over it, you'll be blocked.
- I don not appreciate romantic or sexual advances towards my person. I'm not really interested in casual online dating, sorry!
- I prefer RP that is character-driven, with plot as a secondary. Think, the Beastars manga. Plot is important, but characters are much more important to me!
- Equal parts weird dark/NSFW/fetish/smut and story is preferred. Character dynamics are still the most important thing.
- Third person, past tense, multi-paragraph is my preferred method. I did novella in the past, but don't really want to go that far again. That said, I'm not super elitist about length-matching, as long as I see you have put effort into your response/there is something for me to respond to!
- I'm very AU friendly! Feel free to suggest them!
- No perma-bad ends/major character death please! I like angst but only in moderation! ^^;
- I used to do RP fights on Furcadia, and found they weren't often fair. If we do this, we have to discuss the outcome and what happens beforehand, as well as using calculators or dice when applicable (re: Pokemon battle). I absolutely WON'T do card game battles IC (Yu-Gi-Oh).
- I have and don't mind mind-readers! The exact level of what I'm okay with depends on how much I trust you as an RP partner. If this means emotional... I have many characters who are very detached, but LOVE seeing them grow and change. It will take time, but it's possible (with MOST of them).