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Backtagging: Yes

Threadhopping: Yes

Fourthwalling: Only when discussed prior or for crack stuff :)

Offensive subjects (elaborate): Totally fine! I don't really play hardcore angst, gorn, or anything like that, but I'm no stranger to problematique topics. My F-List will have more info if you are wondering about kink-related stuff. ^^


Hugging this character: Yes

Kissing this character: Yes

Flirting with this character: Yes

Fighting with this character: Yes (but we should discuss outcomes)

Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Yes, not a fan of gore though

Killing this character: No :(

Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Ask! Let's discuss it beforehand :)

Warnings: Heavy fetish stuff will be access-only. About the only things that are for SURE off the table are as follows: necrophilia, eating scat or piss, vomit, and lolisho/characters who act or are meant to be prepubescent (not my thing, sorry!).
